
周辺機器 縮分器・乾燥器・供給器・洗浄機・ペレット作成機

縮分、供給、乾燥、ペレット作成 レッチェ社の周辺機器は、当社の粉砕機やふるい振とう機の能力を最大限に引き出します。簡単な操作で、再現性の高いサンプリングや効率的な作業が可能になります。

Representative results require adequate sample preparation

The following situation is typical for many production plants: After a routine quality check, the production process is stopped or an already produced batch is suspended, because the analysis results were not within the relevant critical values. But does the tested product really deviate from the specifications? It is often not the product itself which causes irregular analysis results but a lack of understanding of the steps which come before the analysis.
