
レッチェのラボ用粉砕機・ふるい振とう機・周辺機器 製品群

ドイツの優れた技術で、試料作成をトータルサポート 全ての工業生産の分野で、製品生産や品質管理の粒度分析をはじめとした、様々な分析の前処理機として、レッチェ社の粉砕機・分級機・縮分器をご使用いただいてます。当社では、年々高まるユーザーニーズに応じて機器の改良を続けています。


Reproducible Sieving in the Shortest Possible Time

Despite the rapid development of modern optical particle measuring techniques, classical sieving analysis is still at the forefront for the practical quality assurance of bulk goods.

In addition, sieving results are often used as the basis for comparison with other measuring techniques. Above all, a quickly available particle size determination result is required for the quality assessment of bulk goods during production processes. In order to ensure proper production monitoring, it is frequently quite sufficient to determine a trend.
Standardized and reproducible working instruments are required in order to ensure the reliability of the results and to reduce the required working time to the absolute minimum (...)
