
レッチェのラボ用粉砕機・ふるい振とう機・周辺機器 製品群

ドイツの優れた技術で、試料作成をトータルサポート 全ての工業生産の分野で、製品生産や品質管理の粒度分析をはじめとした、様々な分析の前処理機として、レッチェ社の粉砕機・分級機・縮分器をご使用いただいてます。当社では、年々高まるユーザーニーズに応じて機器の改良を続けています。


What Hair Reveals

The detection of illegal drugs and pharmaceuticals plays a role in various fields, for example in forensic science, road traffic accidents, in competitive sports or at the workplace. Hair has the great advantage of storing the substances for a long period, which means that detection is still possible several months after consumption of the drug. In addition to the detection of drugs, hair samples are also used for DNA analysis as well as for the analysis of heavy metals and minerals.
